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Issue Date:


Proposal Due Date:


Anticipated Award Date:


RFP Number:025

To Whom It May Concern:


The International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX) is seeking proposals from qualified respondents to work with the Activity and the ICT Workforce Council Lead to assess current sector demand and the need for a sector skills validation system.

The proposed work under this RFP may include the following, and proposals should clearly demonstrate an understanding of the dependencies and activities necessary to achieve the stated goals:

  • Identification and assessment of global skills validation platforms that could be applied to Kosovo’s ICT sector. This may include an assessment of the relevance and tools of the EU Competency Framework1 in establishing a skills validation system.
  • A comprehensive assessment to determine the viability and value of applying and modifying global models to meet Kosovo’s ICT sector’s labor market needs. This will require the selected organization to analyze and consider various factors, including available infrastructure, regulatory frameworks, and industry needs, and to provide insights and recommendations regarding the establishment of an effective ICT skills validation system in Kosovo.

The anticipated award will be a fixed price contract for a term of no longer than 20 days within
one year. IREX reserves the right to withdrawal this request for proposal at any time up to the award of the contract and issuance of this RFP does not guarantee an award.

Proposal Requirements

European guidelines for validating non-formal and informal learning| CEDEFOP (

Organizations interested in providing this service must submit a proposal, including a breakdown of costs, which demonstrates the organizations’ capacity to provide the following activities. Proposals should be no longer than 3 pages in length, exclusive of attachments or supporting documentation.

  1. ICT Sector Skills Needs Assessment:

Conduct a thorough analysis of Kosovo’s ICT sector to understand the specific demand and needs for skills validation within the industry. Use ICT Council- generated skills data to assess how a validation system could support the realization of sector work force needs.

2. Regulatory Compliance Research:

Research and understand existing regulations and standards related to ICT skills validation within Kosovo and/or the wider region. Kosovo’s legal and regulatory frameworks and labor market context. Outline any regulatory and other implications that apply to a Kosovo ICT sector skill validation system and ensure that the proposed framework aligns with Kosovo’s legal and regulatory requirements and labor market context.

3. ICT Sector Infrastructure Assessment:

Identify applicable technological solutions for the development of an effective ICT sector skills validation system and evaluate existing Kosovo technological infrastructure to determine its capability and capacity to support the introduction of validation models, including identification and analysis of any necessary upgrades or enhancements to current infrastructure or recommendations for new approaches to ensure the system's functionality.

4. Curriculum Alignment and Technology Integration:

Assess and outline approaches that ensure the skills validation system's relevance within the ICT sector curricula, work-based learning models, and certification. This work should support the alignment between TVET programs and industry skills validation.

5. ICT Sector Stakeholder Collaboration & Engagement:

Collaborate with the Activity’s ICT Sector Council and other industry stakeholders to gather inputs and ensure broad sector support for the introduction of a skills validation system.

6. Prepare an Options Concept and Feasibility Analysis for Potential Skills Validation System Frameworks:

Guided by the analysis conducted, design a robust and sustainable skills validation system framework that meets the needs of Kosovo’s ICT sector labor market. Include an outline of the most suitable options and available, relevant platforms that could be used to establish an ICT skills validation system in Kosovo, including the operational and financial implications of each.

Expected deliverables:

  • Conducted needs assessment and feasibility study for the development of a skills

validation system for Kosovo’s ICT sector.

  • A report listing required regulatory compliance, relevant sector standards and any other related implications that the introduction of a skills validation system needs to consider, including:
  • Infrastructure assessment, evaluating existing technological infrastructure and any necessary upgrades or enhancements to ensure the system's functionality.
  • Alignment of the proposed skills validation system approach with ICT sector curriculum, work-based learning, and assessment models
  • Ensure the skills validation system's relevance to industry demand, practice and technology.
  • Outline feasible models and development options ,including through identifying relevant platforms and aligned financial implications.
  • Final report and recommendations summarizing the conducted assessments and proposals, providing clear recommendations for the establishment of Kosovo’s ICT sector’s skills validation system and an overview of next steps and identified gaps or challenges that remain.

Proposals must be accompanied by a budget in sufficient detail to determine all relevant price elements of the proposed activities, resumes of key staff that will be assigned to the project, a detailed description of the method used to perform the activities outlined, and a list of at least three similar projects, with contact information for the clients.

Proposal Submission

If you are interested in furnishing this service, please e-mail a proposal to [email protected] . All submissions should reference RFP 025. If you decide to submit a proposal, it must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on the closing date indicated above. Late submissions will only be considered if in the best interests of the project, and then at IREX’s sole discretion. All proposal pricing and costs submitted must be valid for a period of not less than sixty (60) calendar days from the closing date indicated above.

Proposal Evaluation

The criteria for evaluation of proposals are listed below in descending order starting with the most important factors to be evaluated.

Overall Price Competitiveness (30%) Flexibility & Customer Service (10%) Sufficiency of methodology outlined (20%) Creativity in approach (10%) Qualifications of key personnel (10%) Organizational capacity (10%)

Past references (10%)

Evaluation and ranking of proposals will be done conducted by IREX following the closing date listed above. IREX may at its discretion ask for additional information or perform site visits.


IREX reserves the right, based on availability of funding and vendor performance, to enter into subsequent contractual agreements with the winning vender for a period of up to three years without issuing a new RFP.

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