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Rilindja Gjelbër
Te tjera


Terms of Reference

Development and Management of a Circular Economy Online Platform& Implementation of an Awareness Raising Campaign

Reference to the project: Empowering Environmental Civil Society Organizations in Kosovo -

EECSOK (The Return of Values in Circular Economy)

Reference to the call: Development and Management of a Circular Economy Online

Platform & Implementation of an Awareness Raising Campaign

Referencenumber: 24_001_EECSOK/01

Rilindja Gjelbër, formerly known as Let's Do It Peja, is a community based non-governmental organization founded in 2014 with the aim of safeguarding the environment. Its mission is to drive community development and foster integration, equal access, and inclusion by leveraging expertise and innovative solutions, while supporting local initiatives and enhancing capacity within communities.

Rilindja Gjelbër (Contracting Authority) invites interested companies to submit a combined technical and financial proposals with the required documents in order to provide the consulting services for the following tasks:

  1. Development and Management of a Circular Economy Online Platform
  2. Design and Implementation of an Awareness Raising Campaign on Circular Economy topics.

Background of the Project:

“The Return of Values in Circular Economy” (hereinafter the Project) is implemented by Rilindja Gjelbër through the Community Development Fund (CDF) project “Empowering Environmental Civil Society Organizations in Kosovo funded by the Swedish Embassy in Prishtina.

Project Summary

The goal of the project is to facilitate the transition from the traditional linear "take-make-dispose" economic model to a regenerative circular economy model, with a specific focus on the textile industry. The project’s purpose is to promote a culture of sustainability and responsible consumption while enhancing recycling and reuse efforts in Kosovo.

Targeting small to medium enterprises (SMEs) and businesses in the textile industry, civil society organizations (CSOs), and the general public, the project will advocate for policy changes that incentivize businesses to adopt circular economy practices. This shift would minimize waste through efficient reuse and recycling initiatives.

The expected outcomes of the project include increased awareness and engagement with circular economy initiatives, a broader understanding of sustainable waste management among enterprises and businesses, CSOs, and the general public, and improved collaboration in supporting circular economy policies and practices.

Objectives of the call

  1. Develop a User-Friendly Online Platform

The platform will be dedicated to sharing circular economy resources and best practices specifically for the textile industry. It will facilitate the exchange of insights and resources among diverse audiences, including industry professionals, businesses, environmental organizations, academia, policymakers, and the general public, both locally and internationally. Additionally, the platform will host project activities, reports, research, and publications generated by the project.

  1. Design and Implement a Digital Awareness Campaign

The campaign will address challenges within the textile industry and promote SMEs and artisan businesses that apply circular economy principles. Utilizing various multimedia formats such as infographics, videos, feature articles, podcasts, and e-newsletters, the campaign will highlight best practices and success stories of CSOs, SMEs, and individuals embracing circular economy principles. It will also raise public awareness on the importance of supporting businesses that follow circular economy practices.

  1. Monitor and Evaluate Platform and Campaign Effectiveness

The contractor will use an online questionnaire to gather feedback on the platform’s content and usability. This will help improve both the platform’s content and the campaign’s strategies.

Scope of Services

The contracted entity will be responsible for the following tasks:

  1. Development and Management of the Circular Economy Online Platform

The platform aims to facilitate the exchange of insights and resources among diverse audiences, including industry professionals, businesses, environmental organizations, academia, policymakers, and the general public in Kosovo and internationally.

  • Developing and establishing a comprehensive brand identity for the platform, including the creation of a logo and its various applications to ensure a consistent and professional image across all media and communications.
  • Designing, maintaining, and updating a user-friendly, web-based circular economy platform for sharing resources and best practices.
  • Designing and managing social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn) to engage the audience, promote events, and share project activities, research, and reports.
  • Developing content for publications in circular economy social media accounts and web-based circular economy platform.
  • Regularly updating content on circular economy principles, trends, innovations, events, workshops, conferences and available opportunities for circular economy initiatives.
  • Ensuring the platform supports various media formats created during the awareness raising campaign, including articles, videos, infographics, and podcasts.
  • Providing ongoing technical support and manage content throughout the project’s duration.
  1. Design and Implement a Digital Awareness Campaign

The contractor will create content for a digital awareness-raising campaign to address issues within the circular economy and textile industry. The campaign will feature multimedia formats to high light best practices and success stories of CSOs, SMEs, and individuals applying circular economy principles. It will also educate the public on the importance of supporting businesses that follow circular economy practices. The contractor shall utilize social media platforms and other digital channels for campaign dissemination.

Specific tasks include:

  • Designing, developing, and publishing five short videos on circular economy topics.
  • Designing, developing, and publishing five feature articles.
  • Designing, developing, and publishing ten infographics.
  • Designing, developing, and publishing two success stories related to the circular economy in the textile industry.
  • Publishing circular economy policy documents.
  • Designing, developing, and publishing two case studies from Kosovo.
  • Designing, developing, and publishing six podcasts.
  • Designing, developing, and publishing six e-newsletters on circular economy themes.
  1. User Engagement and Feedback

The contractor will implement interactive features such as feedback forms and discussion forums.

  • Designing and publishing an online questionnaire to gather feedback on platform content and usability.
  • Collecting data on a quarterly basis, analyze it, and provide an annual report with recommendations for platform improvements.


  1. A fully functional, user-friendly circular economy platform with integrated multimedia capabilities with specifics outlined above.
  2. A comprehensive awareness-raising campaign, including the specific tasks outlined above.
  3. Quarterly reports on user engagement and feedback, with analysis and recommendations for platform improvement.


The contract will be effective from October15, 2024, to December 31, 2027, covering the entire duration of the project.

The contractor shall submit tasks in accordance with the project activities scheduled by the Contracting Authority, with all submissions provided in Albanian.

  • podcast #6
15/11/2027 25/11/2027 05/12/2027





Designing, developing, and publishing six e-newsletters on circular economy themes
  • newsletter #1
15/02/2025 25/02/2025 05/03/2025
  • newsletter #2
15/09/2025 25/09/2025 05/10/2025
  • newsletter #3
15/02/2026 25/02/2026 05/03/2026
  • newsletter #4
15/09/2026 25/09/2026 05/10/2026
  • newsletter #5
15/02/2027 25/02/2027 05/03/2027
  • newsletter #6
15/09/2027 25/09/2027 05/10/2027




Reports on user engagement and feedback, with analysis and recommendations for platform improvement
  • report #1
15/12/2025 31/12/2025 15/01/2026
  • report #2
15/12/2026 31/12/2026 15/01/2027
  • report #3
10/12/2027 20/12/2027 31/12/2027

Other Responsibilities of the Contractor

The Contractor is responsible for the overall planning, organization, and execution of all tasks as described above, ensuring adherence to the agreed timeline and quality standards. The Contractor should also ensure open and transparent communication with the Contracting Authority through out the entire process, promptly responding to any queries or concerns raised. In the event of any changes or deviations from the agreed scope of services and deadlines, the Contractor must obtain prior approval from the Contracting Authority.


The bidder should provide a detailed technical proposal outlining the approach and comprehensive methodology for each task:

  • A plan detailing the design of a user-friendly structure that ensures user-friendly navigation, with dedicated sections for multimedia content. This should include the proposed web framework (e.g., WordPress) for building the platform, ensuring responsiveness and accessibility across devices, and seamless integration of various formats.
  • The methodology should outline a content plan and topics for each multimedia format, along with a strategy for the awareness raising campaign. Audience segmentation and tailored messaging for each target group must be addressed.
  • A plan for administering quarterly online questionnaires, including the methodology foranalyzing both quantitative and qualitative data to evaluate platform usability and content relevance.


The Contractor is expected to provide quarterly and annual reports to the Contracting Authority, including updates on any challenges faced, and proposing solutions to overcome them.

Intellectual Property

The following terms and conditions regarding the ownership and use of products developed under the contract shall apply:

  • All products developed under the contract shall be the exclusive property of the Contracting Authorityand shall not be used by the Contractor for any other purpose without the prior written permission of the Contracting Authority.
  • The Contractor shall not disclose any information related to the project to the public or any third party without the written permission of the Contracting Authority.
  • The final products shall not contain any material from other copyrighted works without the written consent of the copyright holder, which shall be obtained by the Contractor at its own expense. Any obligations associated with obtaining such permissions, including the provision of free copies, shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.
  • The Contractor shall ensure that all work is original and does not infringe upon any intellectual property rights, and shall indemnify the Contracting Authority against any claims, expenses or liabilities arising out of any breach of this provision.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Written references that prove experience in developing and managing web platforms
  • Demonstrated expertise in conducting digital awareness campaigns.
  • Strong background in multimedia content creation, particularly in multimedia formats.
  • Capability to conduct research and synthesize information related to circular economy principles and their application in the textile industry.
  • Expertise in or a thorough understanding of socio-environmental policies.
  • Possession of relevant certifications and adherence to recognized industry standards is considered a positive factor for relevance in the selection process.

Evaluation Criteria

The submitted proposals will be evaluated by the Evaluation Committee based on the following criteria and point system: “Best value for money,” weighting 80% technical quality and 20% price.

  • Technical Proposal (80 %): The proposal will be evaluated based on the quality of the proposed objectives, methodology, deliverables, timeline, experience and qualifications of the bidder.
  • Financial Proposal (20 %): The proposal will be evaluated based on the proposed fee and the budget breakdown.

The most economically advantageous tender will be selected based on the total points obtained by each bidder. The evaluation result will be communicated to the bidders in writing via email upon the completion of the technical and financial evaluation.

Administrative compliance
Detailed technical proposal outlining the approach and methodology for each task, portfolio showcasing relevant past projects, CVs of key personnel involved in the project, international standards certification and at leastone reference fromprevious experience
Financial offer with a detailed budget breakdown (VAT exempt)
Registration certificate and bank account details.
Technical scoring Score
Relevant past professional experience and expertise in multimedia production 10
Human resource capacities and professional experience 10
References from previous experience 5
Proposed methodology, work-plan and timeline 30
Clear outline of proposed activities and topics 25
Technical offer maximum scores 80
Financial offer



Proposed budget 20
Financial offerMaximum scores 20

Submission Deadline

Please note that the deadline for submitting applications is October 07, 2024.

It's important to submit your proposal before the deadline, as no late proposals will be accepted.

Email Submission: Submit your proposal via email to: [email protected] Ensure that all necessary documents are attached and clearly labeled.

In the subject line, include the call reference number.

In-Person Submission:

Alternatively, your proposal offer can be delivered in person to:

Address: Rr. Aleksandër Moisiu, pn. Kati I, 30000, Pejë, Kosovë or

Rr. Bedri Shala, Banesa në Bllokun A, Hyrja 1, Kati 8, apartamenti 37, 1000, Prishtinë, Kosovë


Rilindja Gjelbër (RGJ) reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal and to annul the solicitation process at any time, without incurring any liability to the affected bidders.

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